Homoeopathic Gem : Actaea Racemosa

"Homoeopathic Gem" is a series of drugs from homoeopathic Materia medica which describe the drug in few key words. If you remember these words you will remember whole drugs. Here are some important symptoms of Homoeopathic medicine Actea Racemosa. It is very easy to understand personality of Actaea Racemosa person and symptomatology of Actaea Racemosa. Here are some information about Homoeopathic medicine Actaea Racemosa.

Plant of Actea Racemosa (Black Cohosh)

Words that describe Actaea Racemosa :

1. Cold : 

The patient is always chilly, easily affected by cold, sensitive to cold and damp weather, which rouses the rheumatic state and develops a state of rheumatism not only in the muscles and joints all over the body, but also along the course of nerves. Tendency to take cold and thereby she takes on sensitiveness in the glands and larger organs, such as the liver and uterus.  Complaints in these organs come on from cold damp weather and from being chilled. The patient is sensitive to cold in all parts except the head, and is aggravated from becoming cold both in parts of the body and in general.The headaches, however, are better in the open air and from cold, which is an exception and a particular, for the general feature is aggravation from cold.

2. Hysteria : 
In the general nervous disturbance there is a lack of will balance, or great disturbance in the voluntary system, which is the underlying feature of hysteria, the symptoms are intermingled with rheumatism. Shivering in the first stage of labor. Hysterical manifestations through labor. She is hysterical, like Ignatia. She is fretful and apprehensive. She has a fluttering, quick pulse, and irregular, action of the heart, but many of the most marked hysterical features are present without any disturbances whatever in the action of the heart. Hysterical spasms. Convulsions. Trembling of the legs; hardly able to walk.

3. Rheumatism :
Cold and damp weather rouses the rheumatic state and develops a state of rheumatism not only in the muscles and joints all over the body, but also along the course of nerves. Hysterical symptoms are intermingled with rheumatism. The rheumatisms will change in a day into chorea, and again the choreic movements will keep on with the soreness throughout the muscles of the body. Mental states following the disappearance of rheumatism is a strong feature. The rheumatism gets better, but the mental state becomes worse. Rheumatic headache. The most severe mental symptoms, the most severe rheumatic symptoms, the most extreme jerking and cramping of the limbs and sleeplessness are during the menstrual flow. Rheumatic dysmenorrhea. She is rheumatic, like Actea, only the small joints are most likely to be affected. Rheumatic stiffness in the back and sensitivity of spine.

4. Sadness :
An overwhelming sadness or gloominess, she is bowed down with sorrow. Sits and mopes in great sadness. When questioned perhaps she will break into tears or ex press in various ways the overwhelming sadness. With the headache there is marked sadness. Changeable moods. The physical and the mental are all the time changing. Other symptoms alternate and change.

5. Mania :
It has a mania such as occurs in nervous, hysterical women, and it has cured puerperal mania. Puerperal mania from taking cold during or soon after confinement. The remedy belongs especially to women, because its symptoms are so commonly associated with the affections of women.

Keynote Symptoms of Actea Racemosa

1. Especially useful in rheumatic, nervous subjects with ovarian irritation, uterine cramps and heavy limbs. 

2. Sensation of a cloud enveloping her.

3. Great depression, with dream of impending evil.

4. Delirium tremens; tries to injure himself.

5. Mania following disappearance of neuralgia.

6. Waving sensation or opening and shutting sensation in brain.

7. Pressing-outward pain in head.

8. Intense aching of eyeball. Pain from eyes to top of head.

9. Menses profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive with backache, nervousness; always irregular.

10. Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip. After-pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain. 

11. During labor: "shivers" in first stage; convulsions, from nervous excitement; rigid os; pains severe, spasmodic, tedious, < by least noise.

12. Stiffness and contraction in neck and back.

13. Aching in limbs and muscular soreness.

14. < morning, cold (except headache), during menses; the more profuse the flow, the greater the suffering.

15. > warmth, eating.

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