Homoeopathic Treatment of Renal Stone

Renal Stone 

Renal Stone is now becoming a very common disease. Every person is knowing at least one patient of renal stone. Small stone might remain asymptomatic or often find during the investigations of other diseases. But the large stone might give you an unbearable pain which let you make compulsion to go to the doctor. Let's see what we can do for renal stone.

Renal stone simply means formation of stone inside the kidney. It also termed as renal calculi, urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis.


Renal stone usually caused by the combination of both environmental and genetic factors.

Following are some risk factors for development of stone:-

  • Low intake of fluids
  • High calcium level in urine
  • Certain medications
  • Obesity
  • Some food.
  • Some underlying metabolic disease.
Stone might be of following type:-
  • Calcium Oxalate
  • Cystine
  • Uric acid
  • Struvite

Clinical Feature

Small calculi are often asymptomatic and might passes in urine without knowledge of person but calculi larger than 4.5 mm might obstruct the ureter and causes symptoms.

Following symptoms can be produced by the renal stone:-

  • Unbearable pain from flanks to loin and inner side of thigh which is known as renal colic
  • Haematuria (blood in urine)
  • Burning during micturition 
  • Increased urine frequency
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever


Diagnosis can be made clinically by severity of pain and location of pain.

X ray KUB (kidney, ureter and bladder) might suggest presence and location of pain

USG of KUB or Abdomen pelvis suggest the presence of stone, it's size and location.


Treatment of renal stone usually based on size and severity of symptoms.

Usually if stone is less than 5mm doctor advice only to drink plenty of water

If stone is less than 5mm and it is giving pain then pain killer medicine is given with advice to drink plenty of water.

For larger stone Lithotripsy and surgical procedure are done.


Homoeopathy is the system of medicine based on nature's law of cure "similia , similibus, curentar"  which means like cure likes. Homoeopathic medicine has a very good results in case of renal stone. There are many medicines in Homoeopathy for renal stone but detail case taking is required for the selection of right remedy. 

Homoeopathy is based on the individualization so the medicine for renal stone differs from person to person.

Following are some good medicine for renal stone

  • Berberis vulgaris
  • Cantharis
  • Lycopodium
  • Sarsaparilla
  • Pareira brava
  • Medorrhinum
  • Nux vomica

Medicine should be differentiated very well in order to get best result. Medicine can be differentiated by knowing the side of affection, type of pain, associated complaint, thermal state of person, desire or aversion of patient etc. 

E.g. medicine like benzoic acid, Berberis , thuja , pareira brava are predominantly given in case of left renal stone

Medicine like Lycopodium, mag phos, apis are given for right kidney stone

Detail case taking along with investigations are required to select correct remedy.

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